Where Luxury Meets the Gentleman's Blade...
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The benefits
#1 It’s the best shave you can get! Period.
- Equipment - a single blade cutting surface minimises irritation. You are not repeatedly dragging multiple blades across your face.
- Technique - In multiple blade razors, the blades lift the skin and cut the hair below the skin and can create many problems, bumps and ingrown hairs.
Make the change, and your skin will shower you with gratitude.

#2 It’s cost effective.
- Although your initial cost might seem higher than a cartridge or disposable shaver, the cost of wet shaving is considerably less.
- You can “shave” lots of money off your budget with wet shaving compared to the exorbitant prices of cartridge razors.
Don't be pennywise pound foolish, save them penny's for a rainy day!

#3 It’s traditional.
- A traditional shave, a return to simpler times. Going back to basics.
- It is a routine that is rewarding and joins you with many generations that have come before and something you can pass to the next generation as well.
A homage to your elders. A snapshot of history that's still badass and cool!

#4 It’s time for yourself.
- A traditional wet shave can provide you with some well deserved quiet time, where you can block out the rest of the world and just focus on you. This time can be used to reflect, be mindful or just to enjoy the experience.
- This shave is taking something that most people consider a chore, and is turning it into “me” time.
Me time is the moments when you press pause and make time for yourself!

#5 It’s saving the planet.
- Wet Shaving is a better environmentally sustainable practice than cartridge/disposable razors.
- Billions of disposable razors (this includes cartridges) end up in landfills every year. This is an enormous amount of waste, and it does not take into account all the shaving foam and packaging that is thrown away, as well.
- Soaps and creams last for months and often come with reusable containers with refills. There is less to throw away and much of what you 'throw away' is biodegradable. Even the steel blades can be recycled.